Friday, August 15, 2008


Don't be JEALOUS, E, but... they found Bigfoot in the woods in North GEORGIA. I mean, apparently, he's dead, but still. Don't feel bad. We can't ALL BE from Bigfoot's home state, E. The best thing for you to do would be to try and accept this with that quiet dignity which most becomes you.


E said...

do you think the bigfoot of north georgia is at all connected to grace cox of grayson county? friend, foe, perhaps even... lover?

Emmy said...

LOL--OMG, they probably followed us from Grayson County! They've been tracking us, trying to find relatives to help them adapt to the modern world like that movie with Jodie Foster as the wild girl from the mountains! And we couldn't even SAVE one of them, E. We just let our very own NELL DIE in the woods with our other second/eighth/fifteenth cousins! **SOB**

Emmy said...

I mean, what kind of family ARE WE? BLOOD is thicker than WATER, people! **SOB**
